Indoor Air monitoring and building ventilation control in the largest shopping arcade in Hong Kong

Project Information

Sapiens IAQ-Pro systems are widely installed in the largest shopping arcade - AIRSIDE in Hong Kong for indoor air monitoring. Our Client and Collaborating Parties AIRSIDE embodies the vision for Wholeness, with care for the air we breathe. Our IAQ monitoring system allows visitors to keep track of our real-time results. It further filters out indoor and outdoor air pollutants to keep the visitors and occupants thriving wherever they are.

Our smart IAQ monitoring system follows the WELL Building Standard™ version 1 — the universal performance requirements that set green buildings apart, focusing on the integration of design, operations and behaviours.

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  • Project Name Indoor Air monitoring and building ventilation control in the largest shopping arcade in Hong Kong
  • Clients Airside shopping center
  • Category Indoor air quality and personal exposure
  • Date 0000-00-00
  • Device
  • Location Hong Kong